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Sunday, May 08, 2005

Isabella's Surgery Complete

Isabella, the five month old kitten with a liver shunt, has finished her surgery to correct the shunt. Without surgery Isabella was at constant risk for death. She has been doing so well that she was able to go home a day early. This is espically good because most of the animals that get shunts are dogs and her vets where not sure how things would go for her.

In addition to the surgery helping her liver to work there were two unexpected side effects. She has a small heart murmer. When her vets looked at her heart with an ECHO they found it wa slightly enlarged. The liver shunt was taking wastes and sending them right back into her heart causing the problem. Also, Isabella always walked bowlegged with her legs twisting as she walked. Since the surgery she has been walking completely straight! No one knows quite why but what was a skeltal abnormality that would make her crippled as she got older has been fixed by the surgery on her liver.


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